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Occupational Hand Therapy

Hand therapy is done by specialized occupational therapists with advanced study in rehabilitating patients with conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities.

What is hand therapy?

Hand therapy is a specialized modality that all therapists do not have. Hand therapists have experience in the treatment of a variety of injuries of the hand. They work closely with your physician. Many injuries and surgeries require very specific limitations to protect or repair your injury. Your hand therapist will make sure you understand what your physician wants. As you heal, you will be able to do more. 

Who needs hand therapy?

Patients whose injuries significantly reduce the use of their hand will need hand therapy. This may include fractures, trauma, pain, or weakness. You may only need one or two visits, or you may need to come more often. Your physician will go over this with you before you start therapy.

Our hand therapists works with patients who may have been affected by an accident or trauma leaving them with wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures, or even amputation of the finger, hand, or arm. They also treat patients who are disabled from the effects of cumulative trauma disorders – such as tennis elbow or carpal tunnel syndrome. Many patients seeking the care of a hand therapist also suffer from such chronic problems as arthritis or a neurological condition.

What treatments are used in hand therapy?

Hand therapy uses a variety of techniques and modalities to help you regain motion and functional use of your hand. Range of motion (ROM), scar desensitization, and a wide range of strengthening activities are used. You may need a custom splint to protect your injury in the early stages of your recovery.

How often do patients go to hand therapy?

Your physician will write a prescription stating your frequency and duration. This is based on the severity of your injury. As you progress in your recovery, your frequency generally decreases. You are also responsible to do a home exercise program (HEP) that your therapist will give you. Your success depends on you following your physicians and therapists recommendations. Together, you, your physician, and therapist will customize a plan of care to help you recover.